I am going to share basic Laravel Interview Questions with Answers. It's really helpful for Laravel fresher and Laravel experienced candidate for getting the right Laravel job.
We can start by adding a Closure parameter to the handle method. This will be used as type hint us that the handle method takes a Closure.
We can call the handle method and pass a service as a parameter.
By using $closure(); in the handle method, we tell Laravel to execute the given Closure which will then display ‘Best Interview Question.
All Event classes are generally stored in the app/Events directory, while their listeners are stored in app/Listeners of your application.
Base controller trait uses a ValidatesRequests class which provides a useful method to validate requests coming from the client machine.
In this example, layouts are a folder that is placed in resources/views available and the master file will be there. Now "master.blade.php" is a layout file.
These laravel questions will help you to crack your future interviews.
Generally, share() method are called from boot method of Laravel application service provider. A developer can use any service provider, AppServiceProvider, or our own service provider.
Where Not Null Query
Laravel includes factors for not solely API development, but front-end templating and singe-page software work, and other aspects that are totally unrelated to only building a net utility that responds to REST Http calls with JSON.
These methods are given below
Laravel Array Helper functions
Below is sample usage for querying and inserting new records in Database with Eloquent.
Laravel String Helper functions
If you install some particular version, then you can use
If you did not mention any particular version, then it will install with the latest version.
Most commonly, a route simply points to a method on a controller and also dictates which HTTP methods are able to hit that URI.
Auth is in-built functionality provided by Laravel we have to configure.
We can add this functionality with php artisan make: auth
Auth is used to identifying the user credentials with the database
Laravel utilizes Composer to manage its dependencies.
A migration file contains two methods up() and down().
up() is used to add new tables, columns, or indexes database and the down() is used to reverse the operations performed by the up method.
Use below commands to create migration data via artisan.
// creating Migration
Top 50 Laravel Interview Questions & Answers
Define Implicit Controller
Implicit Controllers help you to define a proper route to handle controller action. You can define them in route.php file with Route:: controller() method.Define Laravel guard
Laravel guard is a special component that is used to find authenticated users. The incoming requested is initially routed through this guard to validate credentials entered by users. Guards are defined in ../config/auth.php file.Define Lumen
Lumen is a micro-framework. It is a smaller, and faster, version of a building Laravel based services, and REST API's.Explain active record concept in Laravel
In active record, class map to your database table. It helps you to deal with CRUD operation.Explain API.PHP route
Its routes correspond to an API cluster. It has API middleware which is enabled by default in Laravel. These routes do not have any state and cross-request memory or have no sessions.Explain Bundles in Laravel?
In Laravel, bundles are also called packages. Packages are the primary way to extend the functionality of Laravel. Packages might be anything from a great way to work with dates like Carbon, or an entire BDD testing framework like Behat.In Laravel, you can create your custom packages too.Explain Closures in laravel?
In Laravel, a closure is an anonymous function that often used as callback methods. Developers can also use it as a parameter in a function.Example
function handle(Closure $closure) {
echo 'Best Interview Question';
We can start by adding a Closure parameter to the handle method. This will be used as type hint us that the handle method takes a Closure.
We can call the handle method and pass a service as a parameter.
By using $closure(); in the handle method, we tell Laravel to execute the given Closure which will then display ‘Best Interview Question.
Explain collections in Laravel
Collections is a wrapper class to work with arrays. Laravel Eloquent queries use a set of the most common functions to return database result.Explain Events in laravel?
An event is an action or occurrence recognized by a program that may be handled by the program or code. Laravel events provide a simple observer implementation, that allowing you to subscribe and listen for various events/actions that occur in your application.All Event classes are generally stored in the app/Events directory, while their listeners are stored in app/Listeners of your application.
Explain PHP artisan
An artisan is a command-line tool of Laravel. It provides commands that help you to build Laravel application without any hassle.Explain the concept of events in Laravel
An event is an occurrence or action that help you to subscribe and listen for events that occur in Laravel application. Some of the events are fired automatically by Laravel when any activity occurs.Explain traits in Laravel
Laravel traits are a group of functions that you include within another class. A trait is like an abstract class. You cannot instantiate directly, but its methods can be used in concreate class.Explain validation concept in Laravel
Validations are an important concept while designing any Laravel application. It ensures that the data is always in an expected format before it stores into the database. Laravel provides many ways to validate your data.Base controller trait uses a ValidatesRequests class which provides a useful method to validate requests coming from the client machine.
How do I stop Artisan serve in Laravel?
We can do it with 3 simple steps.- Press Ctrl + Shift + ESC. Locate the php system walking artisan and kill it with proper click -> kill process.
- Reopen the command-line and begin again the server.
- Note that you ought to be able to kill the manner just by using sending it a kill sign with Ctrl + C.
How to check column is exists or not in a table using Laravel?
//check whether admin table has username column
if(Schema::hasColumn('admin', 'username')) ;
// write your logic here
How to extend a layout file in laravel view?
With this @extends('layouts.master') we can extend this master layout in any view file.In this example, layouts are a folder that is placed in resources/views available and the master file will be there. Now "master.blade.php" is a layout file.
These laravel questions will help you to crack your future interviews.
How to get table name from model in Laravel 5?
If we want to get a table in Laravel application from a particular Model then we can use getTable() method.Example
$guru = new GuruInterviewQuestions;
$tableName = $guru->getTable();
How to know laravel version?
You can use an artisan command php artisan --version to know the laravel versionHow to make a constant and use globally?
You can create a constants.php page in config folder if does not exist. Now you can put constant variable with value here and can use with Config::get('constants.VaribleName');Example
return [
'ADMINEMAIL' => 'info@bestinterviewquestion.com',
//Now we can display with
How to rollback last migration in laravel?
You can use php artisan migrate:rollback --step=1How to share data with views?
To pass data to all views in Laravel use method called share(). This method takes two arguments, key, and value.Generally, share() method are called from boot method of Laravel application service provider. A developer can use any service provider, AppServiceProvider, or our own service provider.
How to upgrade form laravel 5 to laravel 6?
- Open the laravel project inside the code editor.
- Go to the Composer.json file and change the laravel/framework from 5 to 6.
- Open the terminal and write the command – composer update and hit enter to wait for the update to complete.
- After finished run the server command (PHP artisan serve) and run the project in a browser.
- After this , again go to terminal and write command –(composer require laravel/ui) and hit enter and download the packages.
- Then, for creating the auth file write the command ( PHP artisan ui vue-auth) to make the auth file in laravel 6.0
How to use GROUP_CONCAT() with JOIN in Laravel?
Here is an example to understand the concept of using group_concat() to join in Laravel. We have 3 tables like guru_interview, guru_interview_mapping, categories.Example
$list = DB::table('guru_interview')
->select("guru_interview.*" ,DB::raw("(GROUP_CONCAT(wf_categories.name SEPARATOR ', ')) as category"))
->where('guru_interview.status', 1)
How to use Where null and Where not null eloquent query in Laravel?
Where Null QueryDB::table('users')->whereNull('name')->get();
Where Not Null Query
How will you check table is exists or in the database?
Use hasTable() Laravel function to check the desired table is exists in the database or not.How will you register service providers?
You can register service providers in the config/app.php configuration file that contains an array where you can mention the service provider class name.Is laravel good for API?
Laravel is an appropriate choice for PHP builders to use for building an API, especially when a project’s necessities are not exactly defined. It's a comprehensive framework suitable for any type of application development, is logically structured, and enjoys robust community support.Laravel includes factors for not solely API development, but front-end templating and singe-page software work, and other aspects that are totally unrelated to only building a net utility that responds to REST Http calls with JSON.
Laravel is a?
PHP Framework for Developing websites and mobile API's.Laravel is written In?
PHP Programming (PHP 7)Laravel Licence
MIT LicenseList available types of relationships in Laravel Eloquent
Types of relationship in Laravel Eloquent are:- One To One
- One To Many
- Many To Many
- Has Many Through
- Polymorphic Relations
List out common artisan commands used in Laravel
Laravel supports following artisan commands:- PHP artisan down
- PHP artisan up
- PHP artisan make:controller
- PHP artisan make:model
- PHP artisan make:migration
- PHP artisan make:middleware
Name the Template Engine utilized by Laravel
Blade is a powerful template engine utilized by Laravel.Please write some additional where Clauses in Laravel?
Laravel provides various methods that we can use in queries to get records with our conditions.These methods are given below
- where()
- orWhere()
- whereBetween()
- orWhereBetween()
- whereNotBetween()
- orWhereNotBetween()
- wherein()
- whereNotIn()
- orWhereIn()
- orWhereNotIn()
- whereNull()
- whereNotNull()
- orWhereNull()
- orWhereNotNull()
- whereDate()
- whereMonth()
- whereDay()
- whereYear()
- whereTime()
- whereColumn()
- orWhereColumn()
- whereExists()
Provide System requirements for installation of Laravel framework?
In order to install Laravel, make sure your server meets the following requirements:- PHP >= 7.1.3
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
What are array helpers functions in laravel?
Laravel includes a number of global "helper" array functions. These are given below:-Laravel Array Helper functions
- Arr::add()
- Arr::has()
- Arr::last()
- Arr::only()
- Arr::pluck()
- Arr::prepend() etc
What are Laravel eloquent?
Laravel's Eloquent ORM is simple Active Record implementation for working with your database. Laravel provides many different ways to interact with your database, Eloquent is most notable of them. Each database table has a corresponding “Model” which is used to interact with that table. Models allow you to query for data in your tables, as well as insert new records into the table.Below is sample usage for querying and inserting new records in Database with Eloquent.
// Querying or finding records from products table where tag is 'new'
$products= Product::where('tag','new');
// Inserting new record
$product =new Product;
$product->title="Iphone 7";
What are pros and cons of using Laravel Framework?
Pros of using Laravel Framework- Laravel framework has in-built lightweight blade template engine to speed up compiling task and create layouts with dynamic content easily.
- Hassles code reusability.
- Eloquent ORM with PHP active record implementation
- Built-in command-line tool “Artisan” for creating a code skeleton, database structure and build their migration
- The development process requires you to work with standards and should have a real understanding of programming
- Laravel is a new framework and composer is not so strong in compare to npm (for node.js), ruby gems and python pip.
- Development in laravel is not so fast in comparison to ruby on rails.
- Laravel is lightweight so it has less inbuilt support in compare to Django and rails. But this problem can be solved by integrating third-party tools, but for large and very custom websites it may be a tedious task
What are string helpers functions in laravel?
Laravel includes a number of global "helper" string functions. These are given below:-Laravel String Helper functions
- Str::after()
- Str::before()
- Str::camel()
- Str::contains()
- Str::endsWith()
- Str::containsAll() etc
What are the basic concepts in laravel?
These are the most important concepts used in Laravel- Blade Templating
- Routing
- Eloquent ORM
- Middleware
- Artisan(Command-Line Interface)
- Security
- In built Packages
- Caching
- Service Providers
- Facades
- Service Container
What are the features of laravel?
- Offers a rich set of functionalities like Eloquent ORM, Template Engine, Artisan, Migration system for databases, etc
- Libraries & Modular
- It supports MVC Architecture
- Unit Testing
- Security
- Website built in Laravel is more scalable and secure.
- It includes namespaces and interfaces that help to organize all resources.
- Provides a clean API.
What are the steps to install Laravel with composer?
Laravel installation steps:-- Download composer from https://getcomposer.org/download (if you don’t have a composer on your system)
- Open cmd
- Goto your htdocs folder.
- C:\xampp\htdocs>composer create-project laravel/laravel projectname
If you install some particular version, then you can use
composer create-project laravel/laravel project name "5.6"
If you did not mention any particular version, then it will install with the latest version.
What are traits in Laravel?
PHP Traits are simply a group of methods that you want to include within another class. A Trait, like an abstract class, cannot be instantiated by itself. The trait is created to reduce the limitations of single inheritance in PHP by enabling a developer to reuse sets of methods freely in several independent classes living in different class hierarchies.What do you mean by Laravel Dusk?
Laravel Dusk is a tool which is used for testing JavaScript enabled applications. It provides powerful, browser automation, and testing API.What is a Route?
A route is basically an endpoint specified by a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). It acts as a pointer in Laravel application.Most commonly, a route simply points to a method on a controller and also dictates which HTTP methods are able to hit that URI.
What is Auth? How is it used?
Laravel Auth is the process of identifying the user credentials with the database. Laravel managed it's with the help of sessions which take input parameters like username and password, for user identification. If the settings match then the user is said to be authenticated.Auth is in-built functionality provided by Laravel we have to configure.
We can add this functionality with php artisan make: auth
Auth is used to identifying the user credentials with the database
What is composer?
Composer is a tool for managing dependency in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries on which your project depends on and will manage (install/update) them for you.Laravel utilizes Composer to manage its dependencies.
What is Database Migration and how to use this in Laravel?
It is a type of version control for our database. It is allowing us to modify and share the application's database schema easily.A migration file contains two methods up() and down().
up() is used to add new tables, columns, or indexes database and the down() is used to reverse the operations performed by the up method.
What is database migration. How to create migration via artisan?
Migrations are like version control for your database, that’s allow your team to easily modify and share the application’s database schema. Migrations are typically paired with Laravel’s schema builder to easily build your application’s database schema.Use below commands to create migration data via artisan.
// creating Migration
php artisan make:migration create_users_table
What is Eloquent ORM in Laravel?
The Eloquent ORM present in Laravel offers a simple yet beautiful ActiveRecord implementation to work with the database. Here, each database table offers a corresponding model which is used to interact with the same table. We can create Eloquent models using the make:model command.- It has many types of relationships.
- One To One relationships
- One To Many relationships
- Many To Many relationships
- Has Many Through relationships
- Polymorphic relationships
- Many To Many Polymorphic relationships
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